Wednesday, January 3, 2018

'17 Wrap, '18 Preview: Fowler Play

        It would be gross understatement to say that 2017 was difficult for Paul Gibbs and the Cuda Beast team. Paul's mother died early in the year, and then Paul was involved in a serious traffic accident that put him in the hospital. Any thoughts of racing went to the back burner quickly.
       After a lengthy recuperation, Paul got the Beast out in July for a race at Chattanooga, but did not make the field. In August the Beast went to Steele, Ala. (above), and again did not qualify, but there Paul sensed that something was not right with the new engine. Back home, he started going through the engine and found bad valve springs. Fortunately, there was no damage and all the cylinders checked out at 100 percent.
      But when Paul cranked the car, it wouldn't idle, reaction to the throttle was slow, and then it just didn't sound healthy. Back into the engine, Paul found oil in some of the cylinders. He hooked up the computer to get some fuel usage data and cranked the engine a few more times. The data indicated that there was no fuel boost -- in fact, the car was idling with negative boost, which got worse as the RPMs went up.
      The next day, after a night of poring over the engine data, Paul removed the blower belt and started to turn the blower pulley by hand. He said that if all is good inside the blower, the pulley is hard to turn. This time, it turned easily with one hand. That indicated serious problems inside the case, which Paul subsequently found. It's a lot of technical stuff, but is basically this: A real important gear inside had all of its teeth sheared off. Hence, no boost.
     When he learned that it would take four months to get a replacement part, Paul changed course and bought the latest Roots-style blower from Fowler Engines of Columbus, Ohio. Fowler has long been respected for the performance of its superchargers, and Paul is excited by the change. It's a win-win in every respect -- more boost, less weight, etc.  In fact, Paul said the Beast should be lighter, as the new engine weighs less than the old one. The injector hat will also be new, which means I might have to change the picture of the car on the website masthead.
       So, when will this new combination hit the track? How about this month?

     Plans are to make this race at Bradenton, Fla. Right now, it's in the 40s, 50s and 60s, down there, so we hope the "Outlaw Winter Warmup" will truly live up to its name. I'll be back closer to race day with another post.

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